Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Quiet Confidence Generator - 5 Secrets of a Confident Introvert

I'm working on developing a simple framework to help introverted men quickly tap into their innate strengths and put themselves into a state of quiet confidence.

I'm using the word Q.U.I.E.T. to capture the 5 secrets that I personally use. I will be building on this framework in future postings. For now here is the basic, very rough outline I sketched in my journal last night.

Q = Questions

Being curious about others, being in an asking rather than a telling state of being, having a short list of your favourite questions to ask others boosts confidence because it puts your focus on other people rather than presenting yourself as 'THE EXPERT'. The best sales people ask lots of questions and act more as guides than pitch men. Aren't we always selling others on our ideas? Asking questions boosts confidence.

U = Understanding

Just because you ask questions doesn't mean you are listening. A focus on deeply understanding a person, situation, idea, concept, challenge etc. builds confidence. Checking or validating what you've heard deepens understanding. Seeking different points of view on an issue also works well to broaden your understanding and build confidence in decisions you are making.

I = Intent

Why do you do what you do? Being clear about your intentions provides a sense of inner knowing and peace that you are bringing positive energy to the table and are managing your ego so that any engagement you have with other people helps bring out the best in all involved. 

E = Empathy

Easy to say, but hard to do. Stepping into the shoes, mind and hearts of other people, understanding their worldview, what matters to them, what their hopes, dreams, fears and challenges are helps to build rapport, trust and greater confidence in both yourself and the people you are serving.

T = Time

Taking the time you need to process and plan, even if it's a few minutes to compose your thoughts, collect your questions and put on the right mindset is an essential step for introverts looking to be quietly confident.

What do you think? Did I miss something? Anything you would add or change?

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